Friday, January 29, 2010

No Thanks, I'll Do It Myslef!

Have you ever thought, No thanks I'll do it myself? I know I have gone there before and usually when I have been disappointed in the way something was being handled or I was just trying to control a situation that wasn't really worth trying to control.

I had coffee with a friend a couple of months ago and this wise man brought my attention to a fact about me that needs to be corrected and that is I try to do to much by my self. In my case it's not about not letting other people do things to help, although I can stand some improvement there as well, but it was about taking on the responsibility for everything going on in my life. My biggest problem is that during the day while trying to be a mover and shaker I forget that I have God on my side and that when I turn things over to Him not only does the outcome turn out better but it also takes the pressure off of me. I don't have to be perfect because He already is.

It's kind of funny about me. Over the years I have seen so many difficult situations that if I had handled them without God's help could have turned into disaster, yet, because I was able to let go and let God they turned out just the way they were supposed to. Being human I seem to forget how this whole thing works and then what happens is something gets messed up because I tend to mess them up.

Here is my hope not only for today but all days; that I will remember to turn everything over to God and then do what I am lead to do. Psalm 62 verse 5:

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him."

Have a hopeful day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Rick! I loved your story of hope! I too find that when I "Let it Be" it always turns out just fine! :-)


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