Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hope To Hope!!!?????

Ever met anyone whose biggest hope was only to be able to hope again? I have.

I have a very close friend whose goal is to hope again. Life has beaten this guy into submission. He has lost wives, businesses, money, friends, etc. Basic he has lived life and somewhere along the way life won and he lost. I asked him recently what his biggest goal was and his response was, "to be able to pay my bills." When I questioned him again he insisted this was the most in life he could hope for. I just thought to myself, unbelievable!

Do you know someone whose life has taken a turn for the worse and they have given up on all of the things hoped for in past days? Is there anything you can do to help these poor lost souls?

To start with you can't do anything to make a shift in their thinking so please don't ever blame yourself for not getting them out of their funk. What you can do though is to suggest help in the form of something you have read, listened to or watched that help shape your thinking. Let them know you are there for them if they ever want help getting through whatever it is they need to heal. Be a good friend and listen.

You say you have done all of those things and they haven't changed? Then here is what you might consider doing. Maybe the best solution is taking care of yourself. If you are going to be around people that might not have their head on straight make sure you are taking your own advice. Read, listen to, and watch things that positively motivate you. You can't help anyone else if you can't take care of yourself. Be the best you can and just maybe it will be an inspiration to those negative people around you. Whatever you do, if you find an individual that continually brings your attitude to a low place minimize your contact with them. I'm guessing you do not want to be a brought into their spiral of wrong thinking.

Be hopeful, live hopeful, talk hopeful, and just maybe it will find it's was to someone that needs it most.

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