Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I Need A Lot Of Work!

Over the last 4 days I have had plenty of chances to reflect on where I am in my life and what I need to improve in.

I attended Super Saturday this weekend and had a chance to listen to several dynamic speakers and I was touched by more then one, but with limited time and space to write I just want to let you know the main areas that I need to improve in so here goes.

I have had my priorities in the wrong order is the bad news but the good news is I have the right 3 priorities. The order should be 1) God 2) Family 3) Mona-vie. It seems lately I have more consumed with my work than I have with the other two more important priorities. This out of balance position has made it impossible for me to accomplish the things I want to accomplish with my walk with the Lord, with my family, and even on my work.

So what am I doing to change things? Each day I am spending more time talking with God. Thanking Him for all that I have and am, asking for forgiveness, and especially asking for His will for me this day. I am reading the Word daily and seeking answers to my questions regarding God's word.

I am spending more quality time with my wife. Doing more couple stuff. Doing more of the things she likes to do. And most recently trying to spend more time with the grandkids, at least the ones that live close. I will be putting a plan to spend more time with the ones that live out of state.

Lastly regarding work, I am reading more personal developement material. I have an incredible background in a linear business but working in the network marketing business is so different and in order to be the best I can be I still have so much to learn and so much to put into practice.

So at my ripe old age of _____, not tellin, I am on a self improvement quest. My hope is that I will make major improvement in all areas of my life so that I can become the person I really think I can be.

What is your hope? PLease share your's with me when you have a chance as I would love to hear from you.

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